The author’s concept of social-economic development in the new social-cultural conditions of modern globalization is outlined. Differences of the formational and civilizational development of different societies, philosophy of management and culturology as different ideas about the natural and artificially created prerequisites of economic and social development are analyzed. Main differences of civilization from social-economic formation and formative development of society, which is based on ideas of culture as a result of purely economic life, manifested in the form of its adaptive-creative forms only, are showed. Comparative historical analysis of formation and development of these scientific directions incorporated in the works of S. Bulgakov, N. Ya. Danilevsky, O. Spengler and other researchers is provided. In particular, logic of K. Marx’s “Capital” and logic of “Philosophy of management” by S. Bulgakov, mentality of different countries (England and France, Western Europe and the USA) as the most important prerequisite of their economic and social well-being are compared. Problem of dialectics of rational and irrational in economic and social development, globalization of information society, anthropocentrism and its limitations as a methodology of Western European civilization, sources of optimism of the modernist version of modern innovation development, its traditional foundations are analyzed. At the same time, the author considers the culture as a unity of adaptive-creative and project activity which is based on mythological and religious codes that give to social development the form of civilization typical for a number of nations and international communities of separate national states. Culturology is represented as a theory and methodology of culture that allows to describe and explain innovative and other social-cultural processes, rational and irrational nature of knowledge, sources of social activity of the individual; to consider globalization, philosophy, science and education from the standpoint of civilizational development; to represent the social-cultural analysis as the most important prerequisite of economic and social development and a kind of social-cultural diagnosis of the time. According to the author, it is possible through the prism of this branch of knowledge to analyze the unity of modernization activity, dialogue of cultures, national, regional, settlement and other cultural codes; to study the social-cultural nature of rationality, and science and education that are based on it; the dialectics of the rational and irrational principles of social development; analysis of problems of consolidation and development of society against the background of modern challenges and threats. Problems of “closed” and “open” society as an expression of statics and dynamics of social development; problems of life self-determination of modern youth, and many other problems that cannot be fully resolved by none of the existing humanities and social sciences are analyzed.
The article examines the characteristics of a patriarchal society. Traditional masculine behavior is analyzed. Male and female roles in patriarchal culture are explored. Psychological problems of men in traditional society are investigated. Specific influence of traditional stereotypes on social institutions of education is analyzed. The necessity of implementing the policy of gender equality and overcoming patriarchal stereotypes in traditional societies is explained.
Ambivalence of constructive significance of social networks and negative ways of using them has been revealed. The fatality of long-term exposure and internet addiction to health, especially of children and adolescents, is characterized. Examples and typical features of committing internet hooliganism, cyber-fraud, cybercrime, blackmail of sexual nature, internet seduction of children and adolescents are presented. Attention to growing importance of formation of internet culture, development and improvement of legislative and legal provisions that toughen punishments for atrocities in cyberspace is drawn.
The analysis of establishment and development of relations of Belarus with its countrymen abroad as a part of the government culture policy is given in the article. The author defines the development stages, main subjects, and the directions for cooperation of metropolis with diaspora. During the first stage (1990-1995) the relations intensified significantly, the number of subjects that were involved in building bridges and implementing connections increased. Coordinating council for the Belarusian community living abroad was established, programme «Belarusians in the world» was created and implemented for systematic work. From 1996 to 2007 political events and financial stringency had impact on the connections development. An important role was played by diplomatic missions under the circumstances of Belarusian diaspora division based on political opinions. Questions regarding cooperation with the diaspora were then on the agenda of the State committee on religion and nationality, which was seen in cooperation between Belarusian government and the diaspora since 2008. National authorities played an active role in realization of initiatives expressed by the participants at the 5th Congress of Belarusians of the world (2009). The main subject of the policy regarding Belarusians abroad was the ministry of culture. Belarusian diaspora department began to work as a part of Belarusian institute of culture. A new stage started with signing a government program «Belarusians in the world» for 2013-2015. A new law «Relating to Belarusians abroad» was made in 2014. Issues regarding cooperation with the diaspora were included in the Code on culture (2016). Cultural cooperation with the diaspora became more diverse.
One of the factors that influenced the process of institutionalization of the scientific sphere of Belarus in the interwar period was the national diversity of its population. This, in particular, is evidenced by the organization of the Latvian research unit at the Institute of Belarusian Culture (IBC). The article determines the specific features of its functioning using its original documents. It is stated that the process of forming the Latvian research unit stretched out over time. It was initially formed as an auxiliary one in the structure of IBC mostly to serve the needs of the commission of the same name in Moscow. Gradually the Latvian unit has been turned into a self-sufficient research structure issuing scientific literature concerning the state of Latvians in Belarus. Acceleration in social, national and cultural construction in the 1930s contributed to the expansion of the problematic field of the Latvian scientific unit. On the one hand, its studies were devoted to Latvians in Belarus. On the other hand, considerable attention was paid to the comprehension of the national question in Latvia itself. The research unit focused on the involvement of the Latvian population in the process of social and cultural construction in the BSSR, as evidenced by the development of the philological direction of research, and in particular by the preparation of the Latvian-Belarusian dictionary.
The article examines the origin of the «tribute of Dorpat», historical tax of Bishops of Dorpat (Yuryev) to Grand Princes of Moscow. Study is based on chronological information, provided by Russian Diplomat Ivan Viskovatiy during the Russian-Livonian negotiations in 1554. According to Viskovatiy, the tribute was not paid by Livonians for 210 years. The author tries to find out, what historical event commenced the chronology of the «unpaid tribute», as called by Russians. From the author’s point of view, the historical precedent can be found in the events of Saint George's Night Uprising of Estonians against German and Danish Lords in 1343 - 1345. The author compares two stories about the negotiations of Estonians with the Swedish Vogt of Abo and with Pskov in late April and early May of 1343, using the most important source for this period, «The Younger Livonian Rhymed Chronicle» by Bartholomeus Hoeneke. After the rebels offered Pskov the lands of Bishop of Dorpat as well as their allegiance, the big army of Pskov and Izborsk attacked the Bishopric. It is important to note, that, according to the Pskov chronicles, Pskovians considered these lands their own. In 1554 the offers of Estonian diplomats could have been viewed as the tribute proposal from the territories of Dorpat («Dorpat tribute»). The Saint George's Night Uprising in the Russian literary tradition is associated with 1344. Therefore, the Russian diplomats in 1554 counted 210 years from that event, instead of 211. Thus the author concludes that the proposals of Estonians in Pskov in May 1343 can be viewed as a historical precedent, that commenced the chronology of the «tribute of Dorpat».
The article shows the state of research on linguistic features of Belarusian legislation in comparison with the achievements of Polish, Russian and Ukrainian legal linguistics. It is stated that formation of linguistic legal means can’t rest completely on theoretical foundations created in other languages, even in sister languages. For full use of the Belarusian language in legal domain and for transition to mandatory official publication of legal acts in both official languages it is important to create scientifically grounded linguistic requirements for Belarusian legislative acts on the basis of studying the basic laws and tendencies of formation, development and functioning of national style forming agents. The actual material source for this study are numerous Belarusian texts of legal content of the XX-th century. The author emphasizes the necessity of connection to the integration processes in scientific knowledge development, which should be realized during the development of a new Belarusian integrated discipline - legal linguistics.
The article is devoted to the study of variation of Belarusian calendar ceremonial songs on the example of ancient spring songs-dances “Oj, nie rasci, kropie”. In different embodiments it exists up to the present in the local traditions and at Belarus Polessye performed on Velikden valachobny. We analyzed a number of tunes and texts of songs recorded in different regions of Belarus in the second half of the twentieth century. As the result of options comparison some features and regularities of its existence, of different local styles and traditions were found, a number of reasons that affect the emergence of song choices (place, time, form of existence, age and individual abilities of performers, and others) was identified. In modern folklore variation is understood as a specific feature of folklore which manifests itself in the existence of folk art in in different versions. Results of the study revealed the existence of optional variety of Belarusian spring folk songs and round dances “Oj, nie rasci, kropie”. Rich material allowed us to make some conclusions about the structural and semantic pattern of existence of these options on traditional form of lines of verse, about different variants of the rhythmic structure of the song verse, nature of the melody, harmonies, and plot of invariant lexical elements. The study was conducted in line with the system analysis of verbal and musical components of folk calendar-ritual songs that are relevant in modern science in the field of Belarusian folklore, and as a whole.
The article deals with the contemporary art exhibition “High Hopes Museum” realised in the Volga-Vyatka branch of National Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA) in 2015. As a result of thoughtful curatorial strategies tasks of mainstreaming, interpretation, personalization and transcoding of local history through contemporary art and contemporary art practices were solved; algorithms of cooperation built museums and collections of various kinds were formed; a model of an alternative museum was created.
The article briefly describes Dino Buzzati’s biography and his creative path, like one of the most important Italian writer of the second half of the 20th century. Historical preconditions for the emergence of such a literary work as “Poema a fumetti” are examined, exact genre of the given artistic text, it means the genre of the graphic poem, is determined and the main features of every particular genre are described. Compositional analysis of the poem is carried out, main themes touched by Dino Buzzati are also described, the author’s point of view on the key questions of existential character (life and death, its sense, world order, etc.) is explained and comprehended. In this article a comparative analysis of the classical myth about Orpheus and Eurydice and its interpretation in “Poema a fumetti” is conducted. Main differences between the original myth and the poem are revealed. It is found that the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is one of the most popular and it was used in various spheres of world art (in literature, painting, music, sculpture and cinema).
The article is devoted to development analysis of international legislation in the field of child’s right to health protection and its codification in normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus. Urgency of the problem of children protection at the present stage of social development is defined and fundamental provisions relating to the issues of international and national legal protection of children’s health are described in the introduction. Main purpose of the study was to analyze the evolution of legal regulation of children’s rights to protect their health and implement it both in accordance with norms of international law as well as the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. It is written in conclusion of the article that protection of child’s right to health in the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus is based on norms of international law. The child’s rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated. Three institutions are declared as main guarantors of child’s rights to health protection in the Republic of Belarus, these are: family, society and the state.
Public purchases are an important element in the system of development and improvement of economic functions. The article proves role and significance of public purchases. The institutional constraint of integration of public procurement market is also defined. The paper considers the features of public procurement of certain member countries of the WTO and analyzes the international experience of protectionism in public procurement. Various ways and possibilities of preferences in public procurement are discussed. The system of state purchases is constantly being restructured, striving to introduce all the advanced achievements of the world experience in the field of procurement organization, which will allow us to consider government purchases as the main and most important tool in the implementation of scientific and technical development, experimental and technological work and as a result of the production of high-tech products.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)