The period of the second half of the XX – beginning of the XXI centuries is marked by the creation of new forms of dialogue between the Eastern and Western Christian Churches. The conceptual basis for the communication of confessions is openness, the desire to know the “Other”, overcoming the difficulties of dialogue, mutual respect, and the desire for unity. In the religious space of the Republic of Belarus, the Orthodox and Roman Catholic denominations form the core of the religious structure of society. The interaction of the Churches lies in several planes: social, theological, cultural and educational. The purpose of this study is to identify the main manifestations and features of the institutional Orthodox-Catholic dialogue in the Republic of Belarus. The study is based on material from the official media of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. The author comes to the conclusion that a significant role in the development of communications between confessions belongs to the Orthodox hierarch – Metropolitan Philaret (Vakhromeev), the first Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus and the Hero of Belarus. The thirty-year period under consideration (the period of existence of sovereign Belarus) is divided by the author into two stages: 1990–2015 – centralization of dialogue, conditionally since 2016 – decentralization of communications.
The article presents conceptual foundations of a theoretical and applied study of life strategies of the rural youth. An integral model for the analysis of life strategies has been proposed, aimed at identifying the main factors that shape, promote and hinder the implementation of various youth strategies in the context of life plans and orientations, requests, motivations, values of this social group, as well as taking into account the needs and prospects for the development of rural areas, agrarian industries. A method of empirical study of the life strategies of the rural youth has been proposed in the form of a scheme with the allocation of specific components of the analysis of socio-economic, socio-cultural and leisure, consumer strategies, as well as strategies for professional self-realization. Particular attention is paid to the demand for methods of managing regional development: strategic planning, project approach, which are used after studying of scientific literature and conducting surveys among the local population to model the socio-cultural development of rural areas on the basis of public opinion, statistical indicators of economic, social, cultural development. The importance of applying an interdisciplinary approach is noted, with taking into account the specifics of a particular region and the socio-demographic characteristics of young people, the need to develop indicators for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the economy, culture, education, healthcare both in the republic and in its rural areas, regions.
The article draws attention to the issue of opening transit along the river the Neman in Soviet-Polish relations 1921–1931. The solution of the issue was complicated by tense Polish-Lithuanian relations due to the unresolved territorial disputes between the parties. Organization of free transit along the river the Neman was important not only for establishing favorable trade relations between Poland and the Soviet state. The political and economic interests of the Soviet republics were significantly complicated by the uncertain status of the Neman: its declaration as an international river from Grodno to the mouth allowed Western states to interfere in the internal affairs of Lithuania and link Poland with Memel, regardless of the implementation of the Hymans plan. The signing of the Riga Peace Treaty and the beginning of the New Economic Policy became the starting point in a gradual process of transition from a real assessment of the international situation, but the foreign policy actions of the Soviet state were, as before, contradictory. The unresolved status of the disputed territories was added, which increased the level of conflict in the region. The nomination of the USSR of new requirements to the Polish leadership on the passage of wood along the river Neman did not lead desired results. Neither the Polish-Lithuanian negotiations in September-October 1925, nor the Soviet-Lithuanian meeting in November-December 1925 changed the case of timber rafting along the Neman.
The article is devoted to the comparative study of the modern Russian and Belarusian languages at the morphemic level. It is proved that it is the contrastive study that makes it possible to reveal the features of the morphemic organization of the equivalent lexical units of the Russian and Belarusian languages, to clearly see the real degree of lexical coincidence and mismatch of closely related languages using the example of morphemic word structures. The article gives a classification of interlingual Russian and Belarusian adjective color correlates depending on the nature of their morphemic structure. The coincidence of both the structures themselves as a whole and individual morphemes, as well as their specific differences, which indicates the national specificity of each of the compared closely related languages. The conclusion is made about the importance of this type of research in solving an urgent problem in Russian linguistics – establishing the similarity and difference between two closely related languages at the morphemic level, which will contribute to a deeper understanding of the ways of development of the word-formation systems of the Belarusian and Russian languages, the features of their correlation and interaction in the conditions of state bilingualism.
New musical and theatrical genres that demonstrate post-non-classical musical thinking are considered. The most common are happening, performance and instrumental theater. Genres are considered differently by V. Petrov, M. Pereverzeva, Yu. Gnirenko and M. Katunyan, but, however, without disclosing their ontology and logical basis. The main distinguishing features of the new stage forms are the openness of the structure, the creative function of the performers and temporal unlimitedness, which indicates the rhizome and rhizome thinking of the composers. It is proposed to consider the new musical and theatrical realities as non-linear, in particular dissipative, based on a non-linear type of determinism – self-determinism. On its basis, a rational construct is established in the form of self-organization (performer), or performing will, which provide the musical material with the quality of integrity. Alternative musical theater is another form of new musical stage genres that have emerged in the post-non-classical era, or in the post-modern era. It is presented by alternative opera and alternative ballet, which establish the aesthetics of consonance, antimimesis and display (instead of experience), as well as the multivariant implementation of the musical and theatrical concept (concert, theater stage, etc.). The works of the American composer D. Cage, the Russian composer V. Martynov, the Belarusian composers V. Kuznetsov, L. Simakovich, A. Korotkina were selected as analytical material.
The author examines the autobiographical novel “Curfew for Swallows” by the modern Belarusian writer Elena Bravo. The stages, functional components, the general structure of the processes of socialization and inculturation of personality, which are reflected in the literary text, are considered. The problems are identified and the cause-and-effect relationships of basic socialization and subsequent adaptation of the individual in a foreign cultural society are established. The article substantiates the increased relevance of autobiographical prose in connection with the processes of global globalization and industrialization of modern society, the main object of which is the younger generation. The article analyzes the general role of fiction as a socio-cultural practice that promotes the development of cultural competence and productive socialization of the individual, since the fundamental civilizational values and their semantic models are codified and transmitted in society largely through such phenomena as text and book. It is revealed that the autobiographical work of E. Bravo psychologically reliably reflects the content of socialization – a kind of convention between a person and society, a two-way process of mastering social norms and cultural values by an individual and their reproduction. It is argued that the story “Curfew for swallows” has a high socializing potential, is an effective catalyst for the reflexive activity of the reader, a stimulator of creative thinking, an indirect way of comprehending the norms and rules of social and social existence.
This article deals with the actual facets of the constitutional right to health care in view of the provisions of the updated Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. It tracks the main approaches revealing the normative content of the right in question based on the constitutional principles and rules, the constitutional case-law of the Republic of Belarus. The author comes from the historical aspect of the constitutional and legal grounds of the right to health care in Belarus and also applies the foreign practice of its constitutional context. In analyzing the legal essence of this right the author calls for the constitutional and legal mechanisms to ensure it to be improved. Some conclusions and considerations are backed up by the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus and the foreign constitutional practice.
The article is devoted to the scientific, methodological and practical aspects of developing a joint strategy for trade cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Ecuador.
The review and systematization, taking into account the criteria proposed by the authors (the degree of external openness of the national economy, foreign trade priority, the impact on international trade, methods of its regulation), theories and concepts of foreign trade policy that determine its types, are carried out.
The features of the foreign trade policy of the Republic of Ecuador are highlighted: orientation towards regional integration; establishing bilateral relations with third countries and concluding free trade agreements with non-Latin American (extra-regional) partners; strengthening economic cooperation at the level of integration groupings, etc.
The methodological basis of the joint strategy of the Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade cooperation has been developed, which contains three stages.
The key priorities of trade cooperation between Belarus and Ecuador were determined: increasing the volume of mutual trade according to the existing product range and commodity diversification of export baskets of partner countries; expansion of mutual trade on the basis of partners entering the markets of regional economic associations, of which Belarus and Ecuador are members; development and inclusion of the creative economy sector in the Belarusian-Ecuadorian relations; creation of joint institutions to support Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade relations, as well as increasing the efficiency of existing structures.
Measures recommended for inclusion in the joint action plan for the development of Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade cooperation in the following areas are proposed: a) diplomatic support for mutual trade; b) implementation of special support measures in the field of the creative (orange) economy as a factor in international trade; c) cooperation with the world’s leading retail chains; d) revitalization of the activities of chambers of commerce and industry; e) creation of additional conditions for Belarusian-Ecuadorian trade cooperation at the level of regional associations, etc.
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)