
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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No 1 (2015)


5-13 603
Intentionality is supposing as metaphysical problem. Intentionality appears as an ontological principle of communication. According to it the distinguished noesis-noemas unity in synthetic activity of transcendental Ego extends to correlation of acts and maintenances of consciousness and ways of the objective concreteness life which have a primary intentional unity. Ontology of intentionality corresponds with philosophical-theological doctrines of Logos, formulated the such Halkidonian ontological principle of connection as "unstickly and unseparably". On the base of this principle, as well as in context of A. Whitehead's metaphysics of process, the unity of being and thought along with separate disciplines in the theory and practice of scientific and philosophical knowledge has been considered in the article.
14-19 733
Article deals with Bulgakov's philosophy of name. Its essence is the awareness of word, name, as an energy entity which has a space status. Name (word, language) has been presented in his concept in the broadest possible context such as God, man, world. It acts as a necessary element of theo-anthropological and Space reality having a largely anticipated the ideas of modern scientific thought. Status of the God's name occupies a special place in Bulgakov's philosophy of name. The philosopher solves this problem in traditions of the Orthodox religious and philosophical thought.
20-25 592
To clarify the methodological tools in aims to philosophical understanding of anthroposphere techno-intellectualization processes, the author begins with one of the leading of them which is synergetics. The purpose of the work is consideration of basic methodological approaches in this aspect. Relevant at the present stage of development of science ones have been chosen. Article corresponds an attempt to determine as a kind of integrity the achievements and borders of synergetic methodology use in this context.
26-30 644
Definitions of the aims and social attitudes has been mentioned in the article. Their difference from each other, and also from "values" has been revealed, too. Political aims are considered in context of the emotional relations of citizens to a policy. Aims of the population of our country have been analyzed on the base of sociological researches conducted by Institute of Sociology of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Pointed researches have been made for the political situation and object in the form of politically significant for individuals ideological preferences.


31-38 616
Article deals with problem of the young's social activity in the Soviet Belarus. Beginning of the 1920th has been characterized by considerable passivity of boys and girls in the public life. Komsomol was eager to provide the active influence on the social life of young people. But often there was no systematic organization of the Komsomol in social structures, and there was a formal approach to this work. In the mid of 1920th the extensive activities of public organizations in connection with course of the communist party to a maximum recovery of their work increased social activity of the younger generation. However the power structures prevented of activities of unrelated to the Komsomol associations of youth. As a result again there was a decline of the younger generation's public activity. At the end of the 1920th achievements of socialist construction stimulated the growth of youth's social activity. In 1930th, thanks to the government support, the Komsomol finally has secured a major role in the organization of younger generation social life.
47-51 738
Article is dedicated to the problems of genesis of the Belarusian non-governmental organizations since obtaining the independence till present days (1991-2010). During the last 24 years the Belarusian non-governmental organizations passed through four stages of institutionalization. These steps had been caused by changes in the Belarusian legislation. Other parts of the article contains the analysis of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the non-governmental organizations in the Republic of Belarus from the point of view of their size, location, influence and legal status.


52-61 1093
In the article the analysis of Belarusian, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian linguist's and lawyer's researches concerning the place of legislative texts in the structure of official style and status of their language have been made. Approaches to problem solving of the style name, separating the individual sub-genres and genres of the legal structure have been considered. Relation to the concepts of functional style and the language of communication has been shown. For some of characteristics of the language legislation requirements dependency of its status has been noted. For example, the authors attributing language laws to a variety of literary, are supporters it to be clear and understandable to ordinary people; and those who perceive language as a special legislative texts refer to this requirement as an optional. Author considers that it is possible to agree with the second position only relatively texts intended exclusively for professionals, but not with respect to the laws and other regulations, which set forth the social norms that are obligatory for all citizens.
62-65 595
In the article lexical and grammatical aspects of compatibility of the adjectival participle word-groups in the literary text have been considered. The reasons of their adjectivisation have been analyzed, too. Adjectival participial constructions are investigating as a necessary structural elements of literary texts. They appears to be an expressive artistic means.


66-71 662
State of the musical theatre scenography in Belarus have been analyzed in the article. Changes occurred in the scenography development at the end of the XX century, as well as main tendencies and characteristic features have been out. Among them scenography's dependence of production's genre and style, director's conception, character of musical and choreographic contents, scenographer's individuality have been shown.
72-77 680
Article is devoted to the reconstruction of "mythopoetic etiology" of stone reflected in Belarusian folk texts that explain the appearance of stones and especially their shape, composition, location in space. There held a historical-genetic and functional-semantic analysis of cosmogonic legends and ancient stories to develop their "traditions". Also it justifies a "new situation" - new in the sense that it did not exist with "ancientry" which tells the story of the "small world" and origin and sacralization of the specific stones that fill it.


78-82 808
Article deals with tendencies of development of the late medieval Belarusian translated literature. Features of word processing in this period have been analyzed. Influence of the traditional methods of translation and editorial work on F. Skorina's literary work has been established, too.
83-89 764
Author of the article analyzes works of such Belarusian prose writers as V. Kaz'ko, O. Ipatova, V. Khomchenko, A. Karpyuk, L. Proksha by the way of comparison their original and translated texts. Conclusions have been made that the creative bilingualism is determined by psychological and aesthetic factors. Components from other language in creations are the stylistic means to form the artistic image and to mirror the objective reality.


90-94 743
Article is devoted to an actual legal problem which is the disciplinary responsibility as to means of maintenance of work discipline of workers. Taking into account the newest legislation and foreign experience of regulation of the work discipline the question on a parity of concepts of work discipline and labour discipline has been considered. Theoretical understanding of a disciplinary responsibility as the special subjective duty of the worker arising in connection with making by him of any proved offence has been made. Author of the article believes that it is expedient to add the Labour code of the Republic of Belarus with article making definition of the disciplinary responsibility.
95-100 779
There is a discussion about approaches underlying the legislative regulation of surrogacy in Belarus which presented in the article. Author sets up the problem of needs to appeal to the ethical criteria when analyzing norms governing relations surrogacy. Also problems concerning to elimination of the internal contradictions and conflicts of values associated with the Institute of Law have been elucidated.


101-107 735
This article gives an outlook on the economical and investment cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and People's Republic of China. Therefore, there are examples of such cooperation with exact indication of sum of money for every project. It also describes military cooperation between these two countries as well as issues regarding creation of the transcontinental corridor between Europe and Asia. Other significant projects are creation of highway, industrial park, electro stations, commercial communication satellite.




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ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)