
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Humanitarian Series

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Vol 64, No 2 (2019)
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135-144 886

The article deals with different conceptual approaches for understanding the phenomenon of the internationalization of higher education. Particularly misconceptions and myths about nature and purposes of internationalization circulating in academic society were analyzed. There are also various types of rationales of internationalization and it is emphasized that they do not contradict each other. Conceptual differences between internationalization and globalization were carefully reviewed, the principles of the higher education as national phenomenon are emphasized. The conclusion was made that higher education understood as national phenomenon is mostly focused on national particularities rather than on existing borders. The analysis of stakeholders of internationalization resulted the statement, that this phenomenon could be the priority of national or institutional policy but could not be the goal by itself. In this regard the genesis of internationalization is described as an attempt to integrate post-socialist countries into the common European space in the 1990–2000s, which was realized through the various programs of higher education’s quality improvement. Consequently, the principles of the internationalization of higher education lie between concepts “integration” and “quality” and could be understood as institutional process located inside this dichotomy.

145-150 768

Тhe article presents topical issues related to the emergence of new technologies and technical solutions, in particular connected to the Internet. Over the last years, the importance of digital technologies for solving the problems of communication between criminal communities, of search and collecting personal data not only for their recruitment, but also for psychoactivity has increased significantly. At the same time, the digital space is actively used by separate States, corporations and groups of individuals for information and algorithmic warfare and impact on public consciousness, and technologies of distributed networks began to promote financing of the prohibited organizations. The author analyzes not only legal and technical possibilities to ensure safety of the individual, but also the sociological aspect associated with the impact that these considered factors have on safety and security of the state and individual.


151-157 692

The purpose of the article is to present the richest historical experience of working with managerial personnel in Belarus during the Soviet and Post-Soviet periods and in doing so to recall mind of public authorities and economic entities to the subject. In this regard structural elements of personnel policy and personnel strategy, main forms and methods of training and retraining of managerial personnel over the 1960 to 1980 period are revealed. Seminars of advanced experience, mentoring, scientific and practical conferences were such effective forms and methods. All problems of personnel policy were actively examined and analyzed by scientists of our republic. Innovative use of historical experience can help with understanding of personnel policy and forming of its modern image: new grows from old. This experience can create a number of effective forms and methods of personnel work and at the same time it can pay attention to shortcomings, omissions in this matter of concernment.

158-165 872

The article is devoted to the history of foundation, formation and development of Command and Staff Department at the Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus for training tactical level officers during 1995–2015. It is noted that the need of creation of the Belarusian Military academy for preparation of national military cadres with higher military education was caused by both economic and political reasons. In May 1995, according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus, the Military academy of the Republic of Belarus was created. Along with creation of Military academy the Command and Staff Department for training of operational-tactical level officers with the higher military education is organized in its structure. After the Military academy was created preparation of officer ranks within its walls (1995–2015) developed and improved constantly. Opening in structure of the Military academy of the General Staff Department of Armed Forces (2006) has finished creation of a full cycle of the Belarusian higher military school in the national system of military education. The author draws the conclusion that the created national military school in Belarus provides training for officers and it is a source of pride, an example of the successful decision made using its own resources to get around the problems that Belarus can face in the way of upholding of the sovereignty and independence.

166-175 785

The Uprising of 1863–1864 is one of the most controversial issues in Belarusian history of the period when Belarus was a part of the Russian Empire. This issue started being controversial in the 19th century; one of the important reasons for discussions was the source study factor. One of the most commonly used sources on the events of 1863–1864 was the memoirs of the Vilna Governor-General Mikhail Muravyov, published in the Russian Antiquity (Russkaya Starina) magazine. They sparked heated debate among historians and publicists; the subject of the debate was numerous cases of biased interpretation of historical facts by M. Muravyov; self-glorification and lies. Such figures as Mikhail Semevsky (the publisher of the memoirs); Nikolai Berg; Yevgeniy Karnovich; Pyotr Valuev; Sergei Yuzhakov; Alexandr Pavlov; Ivan Aksakov; Alexandr Mosolov and others were the participants of the discussion. In general; the participants were divided into two groups – critics and supporters of Muravyev. The firsts sought; based on the critic of the Muravyov postulates; to reveal the distortions and to present more objective picture of what had been happening; the seconds supported and justified everything that had been written in every possible way. The discussion confirmed the presence in the Russian historiography of the polar views and assessments of M. Muravyov as a person and as a statesman in the position of the Governor-General of Vilna; as well as attracted additional attention of historians to the issue of the Uprising in general.


176-181 678

The article is dedicated to the speaker-audience interaction in British and Belarusian oratory. Two t ypes of speeches are analyzed: epideictic and argumentative. Some genre and culture-specific features are revealed. In particular, the speaker in epideictic speech interacts with their audience mainly via inclusive we and appeals to shared k nowledge while interaction in the argumentative speech has a more sophisticated nature. British speakers tend to use less categorical directives (let’s +infinitive constructions, modals of necessity, performative constructions) while in Belarusian speeches obligatory modals prevail. The peculiarities are based on different culture types: individualistic – for British orators and collectivistic – for Belarusian counterparts.

182-190 602

The article analyzes the problems of syntactic incompleteness in the sanctification of different syntactic schools and directions. The theoretical foundations and methodological principles of each syntactic school and the interpretation of structural-syntactic modifications in Chinese linguistics are shown. The following syntactic directions are distinguished and systematized: logical-grammatical, formal, psychological, structural, semantic, functional. The criteria for syntactic incompleteness in Chinese linguistics and the main types of incomplete constructions are shown: with the omission of the subject, the predicate, the complement, the definition, the circumstance, the preposition.

The analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of structural-syntactic modifications allows us to develop the end of the study of incomplete sentences in the Chinese language, to reveal their structural types, to establish the specifics of explication methods of predicative values, to characterize the compensatory properties of the paradigm of structural syntactic modifications.

schools and directions. The theoretical foundations and methodological principles of each syntactic

The article analyzes the problems of syntactic incompleteness in the sanctification of different syntactic

school and the interpretation of structural-syntactic modifications in Chinese linguistics are shown. The following syntactic directions are distinguished and systematized: logical-grammatical, formal, psychological, structural, semantic, functional. The criteria for syntactic incompleteness in Chinese linguistics and the main types of incomplete constructions are shown: with the omission of the subject, the predicate, the complement, the definition, the circumstance, the preposition.

The analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of structural-syntactic modifications allows us to develop the end of the study of incomplete sentences in the Chinese language, to reveal their structural types, to establish the specifics of explication methods of predicative values, to characterize the compensatory properties of the paradigm of structural syntactic modifications.


191-199 717

The article is devoted to the libretological research of the opera’s avan-text of V. Soltan’s musical and theatrical work “Pani Yadviga”. The purpose of the article is to analyze the artistic level of the opera’s avan-text, represented by literature source and libretto. The tasks of the article: to make a literary analysis of Russian and Belarusian versions of the K. Tarasov’s documental story, to reveal genre and dramaturgy transformations in the libretto by S. Klimkovich. The literary analysis of the text of K. Tarasov’s story was conducted. It allowed to determine the subject, problems and the ideological world of the work. The genre of the literary source is designated as a documentary novel with elements of a detective story. The dramatic image of the characters was traced. Genre, dramaturgy, plot and image transformations were discovered in the libretto. They arose with the aim of adapting it to the demands of the musical and theatrical genre. The text of the libretto has high artistic qualities. Thanks to a well-built dramaturgy, the libretto is a qualitative basis for the composer’s interpretation.


200-208 682

There is the necessity in the contemporary science of literature for development of the intra-genre novel typology to systematize the knowledge of certain novel texts and determine the aesthetic possibilities of the modern novel. Traditionally the genre novel typology is considered in social-historical way and based on its content characteristics. Representatives of formalistic approach suppose the genre as a system of methods; they emphasize the artistic uniqueness of new novel form, which determines the specificity of the plot development and theme disclosure in a novel. G. N. Pospelov associates the interpretation of characters with the plot-composition peculiarities, M. M. Bakhtin formulates the idea of dialogue, defines the monologic and polyphonic novels. Bakhtin’s novel theory is developed by N. A. Verderevskaya, focusing on the image structure of protagonist. A. Ya. Esalnek considers the genre of a novel in close interconnection between the method and style of the author. N. S. Leites carries on the tradition of formalistic approach, and according to the type of plot formation, singles out a novel of direct and indirect reflection. N. D. Tamarchenko retraces the novel evolution through its aesthetic potential in the works of famous authors. The classifications developed in Western European literary criticism (the Anglo-American school of “neo criticism”, the German school of “interpretation”) are distinguished with dualism or variability. They focus on the structural organization, the artistic relationship between the author and narrator, author and character.


209-219 2109

The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept and types of normative legal acts of the executive authorities of the Republic of Belarus. These bodies differ in the rule-making activity. Executive authorities through the publication of normative acts within their competence form the national legal system, have an impact on the legal order playing an active role in the implementation of legislative acts of a higher legal level and carrying out its own normative activities. Normative environment depends on their well-timed adoption, this is especially important in a period of intense competition between States. In this regard, the need for deep improvement of the law-making by the Republican Executive authorities is increasing. The law “On normative legal acts” defines the ratio of the legal force of normative legal acts. Unfortunately, there is no mention of the place and role of special acts. They should have a greater legal force than other acts, including, in case of a special law, and in relation to other legislative acts, excluding program legislative acts (program laws and directives). Other proposals are also being made. So, it is specified that acts (joint acts) which are accepted in the form of agreements between executive authorities and trade-union bodies, associations of businessmen should have a special legal force. The task of ensuring the package principle of preparation of normative legal acts has been set out long ago. In this regard, when developing a draft law or other legislative act, defining their concept, the relevant working group should include representatives of the relevant department (usually this is the case). Simultaneously with the process of preparation of the draft legislative act, it is advisable to develop a draft of departmental act. This work could be particularly intensive after the approval of the draft law in the first reading in the house of representatives of the National Assembly. It would be useful to discuss the main provisions of the future departmental act within the framework of the Commission responsible for drafting the draft law, if the need for its adoption arises from the draft law (the same should be done if the government act is to be adopted). The exchange of information between these bodies (Parliament, Government, ministry) can also be organized during the development of a set of acts, using information technology. We believe that the implementation of the idea expressed in the literature on the need to adopt the Administrational (Administrative) code of the Republic of Belarus is overdue.

220-226 1150

In this article the authors of the Information Security Concept of the Republic of Belarus regard its provisions as important elements in the bases for the further formation and strengthening of the sovereign Belarusian state. Due to the novelty of relations arising in the information sphere, it is exposed to increased vulnerability to risks, challenges and threats that are transported to all other spheres of public life. The problem of information security ensuring is becoming one of the most important issues in the realization of balanced interests of individual, society and the state. Ensuring information security is becoming an independent area of the functioning of society and, in a single system of nation-wide activity, is aimed at the progressive socio-economic development of Belarus.


227-234 636

Creating clusters has a positive effect on the functioning of both the internal structures of the cluster and the economies of the regions and industries where they are located (savings in transaction costs, optimization of the technological chain of product passage, rationalization of the management system, etc.). At the same time, in the course of the research, the most inherent characteristics of clusters were singled out, the scheme was constructed and the brief interpretation was given. It has been established that the main and integral components of any cluster are: 1) cooperation and integration; 2) territorial or sectoral location; 3) the optimal set of participants; 4) specialization, rational division of labor and complementarity; 5) synergistic effect; 6) innovation and investment; 7) cluster life cycle. To concretize the above, characteristic signs of cluster development or different stages of the life cycle are formulated: Stage I – the existing set of enterprises and organizations, called agglomeration; Stage II – the resulting cluster; Stage III – becoming a cluster; Stage IV – completed cluster; Stage V – rebuilt cluster.

235-241 739

The article is devoted to a wide range of problems associated with the processes of evolutionary development of the infrastructure of the Eurasian Union. The essence, classification, principles and tools of the evolutionary development of transport and logistics infrastructure are considered, factors contributing to evolutionary changes in the transport complex, as well as the key benefits of creating a single transport and logistics infrastructure for small open economies are identified. The main tools and basic elements of the development of the digital market of transport and logistics services are structured. A special role in attracting and retaining transit cargo flows assigned to the objects of transport and logistics infrastructure has been identified and designated.



ISSN 2524-2369 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2377 (Online)